Saturday, 27 March 2010

Little Dreams

Do you remember when you were a little girl and your mum or teacher would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? My friends would say a princess, astronaut or a mermaid. I would always say a gymnast like the big girls.

Do you remember when you were about 8 years old and your mum or teacher would ask you what you wanted to be when you were older? My friends would say a hairdresser, ballet dancer, footballer, rugby player. I would always say an elite gymnast.

Do you remember when you were about 11 and your mum or friends would ask you what you wanted to be when you were older? My friends would say an actress, singer, vet. I would always say an Olympic gymnast.

Times have changed since I was 3 or 4 and wanting to be a mermaid. It comes with the realisation of growing up that it is really your parent drinking the milk left out for Santa. You won't turn back into your normal self if you come home later then midnight, you just get grounded. You will never be a mermaid, you will probably quit ballet after a few years and only some actually make it to be an actress.

All I wanted when I first started gymnastics was to have fun. Competing meant a new leotard, my hair done all pretty and glitter because everyone got a medal. All I wanted to do was gymnastics all day long. I would sit in box splits while watching TV and do forward roles all over the house. I was desperate to get a rip. My friends and I would take our medals into school to show our teacher or show her how long we could stay up in a handstand for. I would watch the big girls training and think " I want to be just like that".

Then things started to get hard and when you fell it hurt. No matter how hard I tried I just could not get that one move. Competitions became much more serious, it wasn't all about my hair or a new leotard, it was all about winning. Only a few girls got medals. Best friends start to disappear. The team becomes smaller. Some days I hated it. The pain just got worse. The conversations at school were about parties and boys. I couldn't join in. I just wanted to quit. At training one day, from the corner of my eye, I saw a little girl watching me. I realised how far I had actually come and how good I really was because a few years ago, that little girl was me.

I had been told throughout my gymnastics career that shooting for the moon is a long, hardworking, painful, lonely experience but it was possible. With the right attitude, people and mind, you may be on your way up in the rocket. I took that into account. While my friends had changed their minds about their occupations, mine has stayed the same. The only thing that has changed is that my little dream has turned into a big dream.

(not mine)

Friday, 26 March 2010


One of the things you learn growing up is "never judge a book by its cover" and you take it into account, you are still friends with the girl who needed a tissue 24/7, being friends with maybe not the best looking girl in class yet you don't care. When you start hitting 11,12,13 you start to realise that everyone judges books by their cover.

You sit in your class and look over at the girl with the long blond hair and the tiny frame and think, why can't I look like that?

The prettiest girls get the boys first, and why is that? Because we all get judged. Every day. Even if we don't notice it.

If you walk into Louis Vuitton looking really common, bad hair and you smell will you get served by the best people? No

The fact that the whole world judges people, even if some swear they don't puts the world down at some point in their life.

Some people listen to themselves rather then listening to what others might say. They remind us that once you set out on a path, even though critics may doubt you, if you know in your heart what is true, then that is all that matters

xoxo Lo

Thursday, 25 March 2010


From mud baths

To scented baths

I love you bestfriends


Well this is my first blog post to anyone who is crazy enough to read this. I had always thought about blogging because i used to have a journal but I soon got bored. After reading Sean Pangilinan's blog though, I got inspired and it wasn't until around 9:30am when I was sitting on the computer waiting for my mum to wake up and take me to school as I had missed my coach, that I felt I need one.

So if there is anyone out there who is going to be reading this, good luck

xoxo lo